A-Frame Surfshop in El Palmar

A-Frame Surfshop in El Palmar

In the A-Frame Surfshop in El Palmar you will find everything you need for surfing, for your yoga practice or for a day on the beach. As sustainability is very important to us, we also sell products by local artists and designers in addition to the well-known brands.

In the A-Frame Surfshop you will be able to buy your own surfboard, a new outfit for the beach, a souvenir for your sweetheart or a new eye-catcher for your apartment. All our products are inspired by the sea and reflect the connection to nature and the beautiful things in life. In this way you can take El Palmar home with you and enjoy your holiday for a long time to come.

This can be bought in the A-Frame Surfshop in El Palmar

In our surf shop in El Palmar we would like to offer you everything you need for surfing or yoga. We only work with the best brands. You will find all surf equipment, yoga equipment, carver boards, fashion and accessories for the beach. In addition to the big brands, our surf shop in El Palmar offers lovingly manufactured products from small and local labels. And of course our own A-Frame collection. A variety of surfboards for sale as well as surfboard rental and professional advice are very important to us. So we would like to share with you our passion for surfing, yoga and a conscious lifestyle.

Besides products from small labels and designers, we sell high quality products from:

  • Pukas Surf
  • Firewire Surfboards
  • Torq Surfboards
  • Rip curl
  • Billabong

Video from A-Frame surf shop and the surf school in El Palmar

The philosophy of our surf shop in El Palmar

As surfers and yogis we love the connection to nature and a conscious, beautiful life. This is also our philosophy, which should be reflected in the products in our shop. We enjoy sustainable and beautiful things. Therefore we offer products from smaller labels beyond the big brands, which convince us of design and idea.

In our surf shop in El Palmar you can discover real treasures that you can't buy everywhere. These include surf bikinis made from old Josea Surfwear fishing nets, bags made from recycled neoprene suits by Mr. Stitch Bags, Mintblow yoga bags, Imaginasueñacrea eco children's clothing and Doering Design jewellery. You will also find art by photographer Cokoif and designer Droog79 in our shop. All products have one thing in common: they are pretty, inspired by the sea and embody the lifestyle of beautiful and conscious living - in harmony with nature and the waves.

Surf school & surfboard rental in El Palmar

Im Surfshop kannst du nicht nur schöne Produkte kaufen, du kannst auch einen Surfkurs buchen! Die A-Frame Surfschule befindet sich praktischerweise direkt im Shop. In der A-Frame Surfschule kannst du das ganze Jahr über Surfen lernen. Hier bieten wir auch dann Surfkurse an, wenn das Camp geschlossen ist, denn Wellen für Anfänger gibt es in El Palmar das ganz Jahr über. Surfkurse kannst du ganz bequem online oder bei uns im Shop buchen. Unser Team berät dich gern bei all deinen Fragen. Wenn du nur ein Surfboard oder einen Neoprenanzug ausleihen möchtest, kann du das im Surfboard Verleih im Shop tun.

In the surf shop you can not only buy beautiful products, you can also book a surf course! The A-Frame surf school is conveniently located directly in the shop. In the A-Frame Surf School you can learn to surf all year round. Here we also offer surf courses when the camp is closed, because waves for beginners are available in El Palmar all year round. You can book surf courses comfortably online or in our shop. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you only want to hire a surfboard or a wetsuit, you can do that in the surfboard rental in the shop.

Projects of the Surfshop

The A-Frame Surfshop is not only a shop but also a point of contact for everyone who wants to book a surf course, attend a yoga class or get advice. The surf shop in El Palmar also offers us the infrastructure to implement sustainable projects such as beach cleanups or a surf club for local children.

The Surfshop Story

Schon lange träumten Camp-Gründer Katrin und Arne von einem eigenen Surfshop in El Palmar. 2019 wurde dieser Traum Wirklichkeit. Eigentlich war der Surfshop im Garten des Yoga-Hauses geplant. Doch dann stand der Kotadalu Surfshop zum Verkauf und es wurden Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht. Aus Kotadalu wurde der A-Frame Surfshop. Designer, Künstler und Handwerker haben ihr Bestes gegeben, um den Shop in nur wenigen Monaten neu zu gestalten. Das Ergebnis ist ein lichtdurchfluteter Raum zum Wohlfühlen. Kunden und Gäste kommen hier nicht nur zum Shoppen sondern auch zum Verweilen und um einen Surfkurs zu buchen oder ein Sufboard auszuleihen. Statt eines Surfshops findest du im Yoga-Haus-Garten jetzt übrigens wunderschöne Sitzgelegenheiten zum Relaxen und Lesen. Außerdem ein Balance-Board und eine Slackline, um deine Stabilität fürs Yoga oder Surfen zu trainieren. 

Camp founders Katrin and Arne have long dreamed of their own surf shop in El Palmar. In 2019 this dream became reality. Actually, the surf shop was planned in the garden of the yoga house. But then the Kotadalu Surfshop was for sale and they made nails with heads. Kotadalu became the A-Frame Surfshop. Designers, artists and craftsmen did their best to redesign the shop in just a few months. The result is a light-flooded room to feel at home in. Customers and guests come here not only to shop but also to linger and to book a surf course or borrow a surfboard. Instead of a surf shop, you'll now find beautiful seating for relaxing and reading in the yoga house garden. Also a balance board and a slackline to train your stability for yoga or surfing.

Where is the A-Frame Surfshop located in El Palmar?

The A-Frame Surf Shop is located in El Palmar, directly by the sea. The shop is located between the A-Frame Surfcamp and the A-Frame Yoga-House. Directly in front of it there is a parking lot, so you can park your car comfortably. The address is:

A-frame Surf School & Shop
Avenida de la Playa
11159 El Palmar
Vejer de la Frontera
Cadiz, Spain

Phone: (+34) 856 658 813
E-mail: info@aframe-surfschool.com 


To the website of the surf shop